Smiles, Love, and So Much Excitement!
The Inauguration of the new SOFKIN Homes
Since the SOFKIN Home opened in 2007 with just three children, two boys and one girl, the need for a caring and nurturing place for destitute children has only grown. The current children’s home in Hyderabad provides a safe and loving place for 50 children, 26 boys and 24 girls. But it is a rented facility, and is filled to capacity. Yet SOFKIN continues to receive heartbreaking requests for new admissions every day. There was a great need for extending SOFKIN homes to accommodate the increasing demand to help these desperately needy children.
SOFKIN Founder and Director, Chaya Pamula, always dreamed of having a larger, more modern home where the children could really grow and thrive. It would be a place where they could help more children and guide them into becoming strong, caring, responsible adults. On March 22, that dream, and the dream of all the SOFKIN children and amazing supporters, took one more vital step.
On that warm evening, children from SOFKIN, guests and children from Maher, contributors, supports, employees of PamTen, and guests from across the globe gathered in Rampally, a Village in Keesara Mandal Medchal district. There, a house warming Pooja was conducted and the new, almost complete, SOFKIN Homes were inaugurated!
The new SOFKIN Homes has a boys building and a girls building. There will be lots of space, full modern kitchens, guest rooms, and lots of laughter and love! The new location will be able to be a nurturing home to 100 children, double what can currently be helped.
Mr. Siddharth Bhattacharji, one of the Chief Donors for the project and long time supporter and friend to SOFKIN, was at the inauguration to participate in the Pooja and festivities and to greet and talk to the children. He was welcomed as a most honored guest. He was so very happy to be a part of such an amazing story. Monica Bennett, a Diamond Sponsor who traveled from the US to be a part of this dream to reality story, was also excited and touched by this wonderful achievement.
A Celebration for Everyone
Mr. Siddharth Bhattacharji & Dr. Anjli Saxena were the Chief Donors for the project. Siddharth Bhattacharji, as a long time supporter and friend to SOFKIN, was at the inauguration for the ribbon cutting, the Pooja, and the festivities. He was welcomed as a most honored guest. SOFKIN is fortunate to have many Diamond Sponsors. Monica Bennett, a Diamond Sponsor, traveled from the US to be a part of this celebration as a guest of honor.
The Girls Building was named Brij Niwas, in the memory of Dr. Saxena. The Boys Building, Sushtal Niwas, is named in the memory of Bhattacharji’s family.
The emcees and hosts for the evening were Ms. Maytri Vulpe and Mr. Gaus Sayyed. The event kicked off with a cultural program that was organized and presented by the SOFKIN children. They performed dances representing saving a girl child, Bahubali, and a Michael Jackson tribute.
Chaya welcomed on to the stage all of the people that were present that have helped SOFKIN on this amazing journey in some way – donations, expertise, and guidance – and presented them with a memento and shawl. SOFKIN also welcomed the guests who had traveled so far to be a part of this special occasion. Also invited as Chief Guests were Mr. Mahesh M. Bhagwat, IPS, Commissioner of Police Rachakonda, and Sri. Dr. M. V. Reddy, IAS, Collector and District Magistrate. Guests from the PamTen US and Vizag offices, donors from the US, Manesha Tai from Maher Pune, and three Maher intern students from Germany attended the inaugural function.
Children and staff of SOFKIN shared their emotional journey with the audience. They expressed their gratitude towards Amma Chaya and all who have helped in their care and support that they’ve received over the years. The children already love the place and can’t wait to move in to their new SOFKIN Homes.
So Many People to Greet and Thank
Guardians, well-wishers, family, and friends of SOFKIN attended the grand opening of the SOFKIN home. Everyone seemed so very happy with the new facility. The cultural event and the new homes were very much appreciated by the children. They are so excited!
See all the pictures and share in the excitement in our gallery. We’ll also be adding videos, so make sure to check back.
Soon these amazing structures will become homes, filled with the same love, laughter, nurturing and guidance they have always received at SOFKIN.
We are thankful to our Diamond and Platinum, and other significant sponsors who helped us make this project a reality.
Diamond Sponsors
Mr. Alan Lobo
Ms. Chaya Pamula & Mr. Satya Pamula
Mr. Bob Proctor
Ms. Monica Bennett
Mr. Christi Staib
Mr. Willium Harris
Ms. Judy Setting & Mr. Joseph Setting
Mr. Blaine Bartlett
Ms. Cynthia Kersey
Ms. Andrea Nardozza-Clarizio
Ms. Barbara Schwartz
Ms. Mary Morrissey
Mr. Mohan Patlola
Mr. Prem Watsa
Ms. Maria F Ramirez
Smiles ‘R’ Us
Mr. B.D. Agarwal
Platinum Sponsors
Mr. Victor Pais
Ms. Preeti Bhattacharji
Mr. Anil Agarwal
Mr. PVRK Murthy
With so much going on with the final construction and preparing for the children to move, the Annual SOFKIN event will NOT be held in June. Look for more exciting updates at our event coming up this fall.