Diwali Celebrations at SOFKIN

Creating Holiday Happ...

Sponsorship Diwali Delights After 9 months of lockdown and small sacrifices because of COVID 19, the children of SOFKIN have been looking forward to the holidays. Diwali, the annual Hindu festival of lights, was recently… Continue reading Creating Holiday Happiness

Celebrating A Milestone

Blessings and Milestones

Events Details Celebrating A Milestone A joyous 10-year celebration was held in Hyderabad on October 14. The event, attended by over 200 people, celebrated 10 years of SOFKIN’s work to create caring homes for destitute… Continue reading Blessings and Milestones

Diwali festival Celebrations at SOFKIN

Happy Holidays –...

Events Details Contents: DIWALI Celebrations| Care & Share| Every Penny Counts The children of SOFKIN are eagerly anticipating the holiday season. As an inter-faith organization that celebrates the holidays of all faiths, SOFKIN had a… Continue reading Happy Holidays – November 2015 A Garland of Sharing

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