SOFKIN Songfest

Safety, Songs, and Cel...

Sponsorship Safety First in the Face of COVID As COVID-19 continues to devastate globally, with India being one of the countries severely affected, we are very grateful that all the SOFKIN children and staff are… Continue reading Safety, Songs, and Celebration

SOFKIN Children at Sports Day

The Amazing Year That ...

event-details It’s hard to believe we’re almost through the first quarter of this year. So much is always happening at SOFKIN that it is hard to keep up! Here are some of the highlights –… Continue reading The Amazing Year That Was – and the Great Year We’re In

Thankful TO SOFKIN For Encouragement and Education

Thankful For Encourage...

event-details The Gift of Education You are cordially invited to join us for the SOFKIN Luncheon on Saturday, December 8, 2018. 19-Nov-18 Our goal this year is to raise $100,000 for the SOFKIN Education Fund.… Continue reading Thankful For Encouragement and Education

SOFKIN Children with Chaya Pamula

Why We Have Rhythm

“Poverty is the worst form of violence,” declared Mahatma Gandhi. And seeing children malnourished, under-educated, and neglected on the streets is heartbreaking. SOFKIN was founded on the conviction that this does not need to be… Continue reading Why We Have Rhythm

Thank you Donors

School,Traditions, and...

The school year is drawing to a close for the children of SOFKIN. They recently completed their final exams for the year, with several children achieving high marks. Twelve percent of the children secured more… Continue reading School,Traditions, and Kindness

Thanks to Donors

Growing The Garland of...

Thank you to everyone who has made donations to buy Christmas gifts for the children of SOFKIN. As we indicated in our last blog, we would like to surround our children – with your help… Continue reading Growing The Garland of Sharing and Caring

Diwali festival Celebrations at SOFKIN

Happy Holidays –...

Events Details Contents: DIWALI Celebrations| Care & Share| Every Penny Counts The children of SOFKIN are eagerly anticipating the holiday season. As an inter-faith organization that celebrates the holidays of all faiths, SOFKIN had a… Continue reading Happy Holidays – November 2015 A Garland of Sharing

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