SOFKIN Children at Sports Day

The Amazing Year That ...

event-details It’s hard to believe we’re almost through the first quarter of this year. So much is always happening at SOFKIN that it is hard to keep up! Here are some of the highlights –… Continue reading The Amazing Year That Was – and the Great Year We’re In

Inauguration of the new SOFKIN Homes

Smiles, Love, and So M...

event-details The Inauguration of the new SOFKIN Homes Since the SOFKIN Home opened in 2007 with just three children, two boys and one girl, the need for a caring and nurturing place for destitute children… Continue reading Smiles, Love, and So Much Excitement!

SOFKIN children

RHYTHM 2017 Was a Gran...

SOFKIN’s RHYTHM 2017 has come and gone – and it was another grand success!!! Thank you to everyone who joined us and provided support and encouragement. We hope you enjoyed the amazing performances. 12-Jun-17 A… Continue reading RHYTHM 2017 Was a Grand Success! Thank You!

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