children helped feed 100 hungry families

Adapting, Learning, Sh...

Sponsorship Continuing to Share A heart-felt thank you to the many who responded to the appeal from the children of SOFKIN in our previous blog! That appeal, as you may recall, was to encourage the… Continue reading Adapting, Learning, Sharing, and Caring

Welcoming the Children to the NEW SOFKIN Home

Welcoming the Children...

event-details Happy Children in their New Home! The SOFKIN children have moved into the new building! Everyone has been waiting a long time, but when they came back from summer holiday at the end of… Continue reading Welcoming the Children to the NEW SOFKIN Home!

Learning to Dream

Living A Dream

event-details Learning to Dream As we reported in our last blog, we are establishing an Education Fund to help our extremely talented children realize their dreams. SOFKIN sets high expectations for our children in a… Continue reading Living A Dream

Celebrating A Milestone

Blessings and Milestones

Events Details Celebrating A Milestone A joyous 10-year celebration was held in Hyderabad on October 14. The event, attended by over 200 people, celebrated 10 years of SOFKIN’s work to create caring homes for destitute… Continue reading Blessings and Milestones

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